Bio-Pulse Detox Footbath

Bio-Pulse Detox Foot Spa

Ionic / Rife Frequencies

Cleansing Your Body From The Inside Out

Helping your body to eliminate the accumulation of toxins !

Developed by international scientists and researchers as a therapeutic aid for detox, revitalization and well being. 

Power Up Your Cells

What do humans, appliances and machines have in common?

They are all powered by electricity

The Bio-Pulse Machine works by increasing the cell membrane voltage,

which stimulates the body’s own natural cleansing processes at the cellular level.

By improving cellular function and the integrity of nutrient and water exchange,

both toxin release and the prevention of toxins getting into the cells are improved.

The Benefits of Ionised Water

As well as improving the electrical charge of your cells, the Bio-Pulse Detox Spa

also produces ionised water.

Ionised water is full of 'negative ions' that have a positive effect on the human body.

Negative ions are present in the air we breathe in, especially abundant in nature, around waterfalls,

on the ocean surf, at the beach and after a storm. 

That's why we feel so good and relaxed at these places. They are also present in our bodies.

The degree to which negative ions contribute to overall well-being and health is scientifically proven:

* They neutralise free radicals and pollutants within the body
* They revitalize cell metabolism
* They enhance immune function
* They purify the blood
* They balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion.


Boosting Oxygenation and Supporting Detoxification

Negative ion help to neutralise free radicals and pollutants within the body can also help to reduce over acidity within the body thus ridding the body of unwanted toxins and reducing inflammation in the blood, boosting the zeta potential of the blood, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery and removal of waste products, which is shown in the pictures taken with the live blood analysis showing before and after a Bio-Pulse treatment.

On the other hand, in polluted cities, crowded areas and in confined spaces such as offices, industrial areas, schools and cars, you will find the highest concentration of unhealthy 'positive ions'. This is why headaches, uneasiness or sudden nausea in an overcrowded room is a common problem. Even with air-conditioning you can experience these problems. Reason? Lack of negative ions in the room. 

35 minutes of use can make you feel like you have just walked bare foot along the beach or sat at the side of a waterfall, you become deeply relaxed and calm as your cells recharge and work to release toxins and detox the burden from your system.

Support DETOXIFICATION, increase your VITALITY, improve your overall WELL-BEING

Natural Energy Fields and Healing Frequencies

The BIOPULSE Ionic Detox Foot Bath can assist your body to become more balanced via the the body’s natural energy fields and promote an equilibrium that will then enable your body to function at an optimum level. This technology has healing frequencies available to chose from, in each session, including 6 Rife Frequencies and the Schumann frequency, proven to be highly beneficial to human energy field 7.8 mhz.

Dr Raymond Rife……..”Every disease has a frequency and a higher frequency can destroy a lower frequency. “

The Importance of Detoxification

Energy imbalance and toxic build-up in our bodies can be strikingly similar!

We all live in a toxic environment. No matter where we live or how careful we are, we cannot avoid environmental toxins. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink all over the planet. What is particularly worrying is the high levels of chemicals and pesticides in our homes, considerably higher to levels we are exposed to outdoors.

Humans are bio-electrical beings. Electrical activity can be measured in both the heart and brain. This bio-electricity is essential not to just to sustain life but to improve the quality of life.

Stress and exogenous toxins destroy the delicate electrical balance that the body needs to keep its various organ systems functioning at their peak. Toxemia is at the root of many chronic degenerative diseases and premature ageing.

The outside of each red blood cell should have a negative charge so cells bounce off each other and are not attracted to each other, thereby circulation flows and oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the tissue and waste products removed.  If this process is not working efficiently, the circulation is affected, toxicity can build up causing acidic tissue. This disrupts the homeostatic balance that is essential to the survival of the human organism. We may feel constantly tired, suffer headaches and brain fog.

Bio-Pulse helps to keep your cells charged up and performing at optimum levels in your system. 

How often do I use the machine?

You relax in the Bio-Pulse Foot Bath for 35 minutes for each treatment session.

The regularity of treatment sessions is personal depending on your health status.  The more sessions you do the deeper cleanse you create over time.

For specific health conditions, treatment sessions should begin at 4 to 5 times per week,

for a minimum 12 week program.

Maintenance sessions are recommended 2 to 3 times per week, ongoing, to keep your vitality,

well-being and immune system boosted and your autonomic system balanced and calm.

Click here for further information on the Bio-Pulse Machine and Purchases

For special price enter Promo Code: CarolineM

Detox Your Body and your Environment

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