Naturopathic Medicine





Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine is a holistic approach that helps to identify the root cause of health problems and incorporates evidence-based treatments utilising diet, nutrition, botanical medicine and lifestyle plus functional medicine diagnostic testing.

A Naturopath is a trained professional with an in-depth knowledge of the way the human body works, and a current up to date knowledge of how to use natural medicine to address the imbalances in the body that result in ill health.

Naturopaths are trained in allopathic medication and the contra-indications for any supplement or herb, so you are in good hands with a qualified practitioner. 

Because everything in the body is linked, a Naturopath will look at what is happening in every body system, which means that the problem that has been driving your health issues is identified and addressed, as well as the symptoms.

The Philosophy of Naturopathy

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" Hippocrates.

Naturopathy is a system of medicine that seeks to promote positive health by removing obstructions to vitality (these can be physical and emotional toxins), while supporting the body's inherent self-healing tendency (by providing the correct micro and macro nutritional elements to restore health, harmony and wellness). The body is astonishingly resilient when given the right nutritional tools.

What really makes you sick?

Germs or toxicity? Learn more here


What about pharmaceuticals?

Sometimes prescription drugs are warranted in acute conditions and can save lives. But more often than not, prescription drugs for chronic health conditions can actually deteriorate your health in the long run, and many people are overprescribed drugs that cover up the underlying health issue found in their lifestyle or diet choices.

Western medicine tends to focus on managing and suppressing individual symptoms one at a time, rather than carefully identifying the root cause underneath and working to improve it in a holistic way.

Treating the whole family

Naturopathic medicine is for all ages and stages of life from childhood, teenage, pregnancy, to menopause, andropause and  elderly..

Why see a Naturopath?

  • You have a pre-diagnosed chronic health condition and are seeking natural alternatives to help treat or maintain your condition via diet and supplements, to help improve your health so reliance on allopathic pharmaceuticals may be lessened. 
  • You are suffering from general vague ill health symptoms. Naturopathic practitioners are often successful at treating conditions that do not respond well to conventional medicine. This includes but is not limited to: fatigue, low mood, pain, sleep disturbance, poor immunity, low sex drive, weight problems and digestive disorders.
  • You are in general good health but would like to be assessed for any nutrient imbalances and/or dietary and lifestyle considerations to ensure ongoing good health.

Working with a naturopath requires us to be partners in your health..

You will be directed to natural ways to improve your health but you must make the effort to change and manage your lifestyle. 
There will be temptations for you to return to your old habits that may have been the driving factor for your health condition today. 

You will be supported and encouraged as you make beneficial, but sometimes difficult changes.

If you're ready to start your journey to a healthier life

Book an Online Consultation


Take control of returning your body to health..

"The 6 Principles of Naturopathic Medicine "

1. First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere)
Naturopaths choose the most non-invasive and least toxic treatments necessary for each patient.

2. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix naturae)
Naturopaths recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.

3. Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle causam)
Naturopaths identify, address and remove the underlying causes of disease.

4. Doctor as Teacher (Docere)
Educating and supporting patients on personal health management is an important role for naturopaths. They empower patients to take responsibility for their own health. They also acknowledge the therapeutic value inherent in the doctor-patient relationship.

5. Treat the Whole Person (Tolle totum)
This is a holistic concept that recognizes the body as an integrated whole. Naturopaths treat the patient, not the disease. A naturopathic assessment addresses the nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors in a person’s life.

6. Prevention (Praevenic)
Naturopaths promote a focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.

Conditions that respond well to Naturopathic Medicine

Blood sugar imbalances
Bowel dysfunction
Circulatory disorders
Constant infections
High blood pressure
Hormone imbalance
Joint problems
Low mood
Menstrual problems
Metabolic syndrome
Muscle pain
Poor digestion and bloating
Poor healing
Poor sleep
Rashes and urticaria
Subclinical thyroid dysfunction 
Weight problems 

Own Your Health

Sometimes just making a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle and adding a few key nutrients can have major improvements on your health status.


My passion is to help clients heal through whole foods and traditional naturopathic principles. Food before supplements is essential to evoke a long term healing response.

Root Cause

As a naturopath I go beyond treating the presenting condition by exploring the underlying cause and work to treat this cause. 

Healing Journey

During my 20 years in practice, I have seen amazing results from clients who commit to their health and see the healing journey through, from start to finish. 

Be Patient

Naturopathic medicine is not a quick fix as we are targeting the root cause. Most clients that I see have had health concerns present for quite some time, all which requires time to heal.

Common Conditions Treated 



Fertility support 

Type II Diabetes

Hormone concerns 

High blood pressure

Digestive complaints

Fatigue, stress, anxiety

Weight loss / Weight gain

Immune support, chronic infections

General Check Up

In addition to commonly treated health concerns, many clients have consultations for general health and wellbeing. This is great for those who are in good health, but just want to check in for some professional advice to see if they are on the right path.

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct health care profession with emphasis on prevention, treatment, and optimal health through methods that encourage the individual’s inherent self-healing process. 

Naturopaths look for the underlying causes of disease and try to help the patient eliminate them and take charge of maintaining their own good health. This is an holistic approach. 

Naturopathic practitioners understand that healing is more than dispensing an herbal remedy or nutritional supplement. Effective naturopathic treatment requires patience and good communication.  

Naturopathic medicine promotes wellness by identifying the unique aspects of each patient, employing non-toxic natural therapies to restore physiological, psychological and structural balance. 

Naturopathic practitioners cooperate with all other branches of medical science, referring patients to other practitioners for diagnosis or treatments where appropriate.  Naturopaths will not try to diagnose a disease or indeed purport to be able to cure a disease. If, during a consultation, certain 'red flag' symptoms are highlighted, the naturopath will always refer the client back to a Medical Doctor MD for further investigation.

In today's world we are constantly exposed to pollution, stress, drugs, poor quality food and drink. In the drive to achieve good health all these areas of your life need to be examined with the aim of limiting the imbalances and disharmonies caused by them in the past, present and future. By correcting the imbalances almost any health problem will gradually disappear.

Naturopathy uses the healing power of the body to restore / rebalance you to good health. The body can heal cuts, mend bones and rid itself of infection and we can assist this natural healing ability. Naturopathy helps your body to receive the right nutritional tools to make your journey to better health and / or manage the symptoms of a disease condition. 

Food plays a key role in health and illness, but it is not something a MD will typically discuss. Their training does not include the science of nutrition. This is one reason why increasing numbers are seeking the help of naturopaths.  
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